Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Disney Appmates Combine Toys with iPads

It is sometimes easy to forget that the iPad is much more than another way to surf the web, answering e-mail and video - not that these things are super cool. Disney is a company out of the box, every bit 'of business jargon is that you can imagine thinking.

Disney's new line of toys ranging from love-it-or-hate-it Appmates name, take the magic of Cars 2 and leads to the iPad. Games are on the iPad from day one, but not what I had until now only small toys that interact with them ...

A native of miniature toys representing four of the cars 2 characters, toys to interact with the iPad the surface without the use of Bluetooth, or any kind of amazing magic, Wi-Fi.

IPad, with a free companion application that knows how to toy was placed reacted downwards accordingly and the universe. The video below shows the sales of these toys, and we must admit that when we were 20 years younger we would have all this stuff.

Hell, we still might!
“The game is supposed to react precisely to a player’s movements, and during Decrem’s short demonstration it did, for the most part. For example, as he approached a mirror in the game, he was able to see the reflection of the car he was holding.”
The toys on sale Oct. 1, and for $ 20 each on both Apple and Disney Stores retail.


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