Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In Q2 iPad Controlled 80% of the North American Tablet Market

When it comes to the subtle and modern tablets, the iPad was the first on the market. Before Apple slate, was the category "tablet" is full of clumsy devices that run the desktop software, and carried price tags over $ 1,000.

Obviously, the first in the form of dividends will be paid to the Company. I do not think anyone would argue that the iPad tablet in the market for the past two years, dominated, and it seems to slow down very soon ...

BGR goes on a report of the analysis strategy that morning, some interesting results points. The market research firm believes that Apple has sold over 6 Mil-7.5 Mil tablets supplied in the second quarter of this year.

Although the figure only represents the sales in North America, the number is still impressive. Apple has nearly 80% of the tablet market in Q2 received the continent, with essentially the same product (though leaner and faster), which launched in 2010.

SA analyst Alex Spektor:
“Apple remains a long way ahead of its main rivals such as Motorola, Samsung, RIM, Asus and HTC. A combination of cool branding, user-friendly hardware, entertaining services and savvy retail distribution has made Apple a formidable market leader.”
With HP and webOS waiver of the game pad, and RIM, is how close she is looking away also sees Apple's prognosis is good. And what's more, the holiday season is just around the corner. Yes, Tim Cook and businesses need an iPad 3 this year.

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