"Secret" is included last-minute features in iOS something that Apple rips with flying colors. Last year, the company has introduced iOS4 for iPhone 3G, which was the latest model of Apple's smartphone at the time, only to later introduce FaceTime few months.
It's important to remember is that only very little between now and iOS change its official release, but there is always room for Apple community and maybe even room for optimization jailbreak in the future. Many of these proposed additions are really very convincing and would certainly like to see some of them integrated in iOS five days.
As you can see in the video above, there are some changes proposed to iOS 5 Adding widgets to the Spotlight search would enjoy such a large amount of empty space, and widgets available. Similarly, building management widget in the communication center, where they are not placed close widgets would make sense if there have been third party widgets, the platform that doesnt seems to be the case enter into the moment.
Any other suggestions are like the possibility of coupling devices and OS X iOS done together, so that messages in iOS on the OS X menu bar, we are could use this function, the life power users could be a lot easier, contributing to respond to notifications, without pressing their mobile phones.
iOS 5 was on the Apple developer oriented annual conference, known as the WWDC in June unveiled the new version includes several new features, such as a revised reporting system, known as the center of the notification and the overall system integration Twitter. Already in the beta-end iOS 5 is provided for the customer are launched in the fall, perhaps as early as next month.
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