Sunday, September 25, 2011

Console-Quality Games On Smartphones And Tablet Devices Thru Adobe Flash 11 And AIR 3

Adobe announced the details of their upcoming Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 that the software maker said it will put the development of high-end 3D-intensive games on smartphones and devices such as tablet will be on offer.

The company recent AIR and Flash Player enables developers to unleash their art around the likes of OS X, Android, RIM BlackBerry, Windows and a TV, just to name a few. But because Flash and Apple is not known, mingle, iOS will be limited to the AIR 3

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on which side of the fence you reside, Apple has never been the Adobe Flash Player, which does not implement on iOS devices and is economical to use on the Mac in April, put the former CEO of Fruit Steve Jobs publicly defamed in a letter published in Flash, and claims that the technology is outdated and unsuitable for the calculation in the modern era. Instead, the Cupertino company is, in view of the most versatile HTML 5: "We are just trying to make great products," Jobs said AllThingsD conference last year. "We do not think Flash-makes a great product, so we omit. Contrary, we will focus on technologies that are on the rise to concentrate."

In 2009, the introduction of the 3G iPhone, which was equipped with a 600MHz ARM Cortex processor may be armed, the period in which the smartphone game really made a name will be cited. Advances in hardware development and allows to enjoy a console-esque on-the-go, and pushed many of the world's leading game developers like EA and Gameloft with enthusiasm for the App Store will be migrated to start playing classics such as Rainbow Six and FIFA iOS.

Adobe Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 sales as a "game console for the Web," as enable collaboration 2D and 3D games to be enjoyed in the network of "nearly all PCs and many other devices."

The duo will render with full hardware acceleration for 2D and 3D graphics, making each 1,000 times faster rendering performance to their predecessors. Yield smooth 60 FPS give developers the ability to offer, console quality games that surpasses anything currently on a mobile device.

The video below shows the runtime capabilities of new technologies, and is certainly an interesting perspective, if, like me, find themselves lost in a game (or ten) on your smartphone:

Both Flash Player 11 aircraft 3 should be accessible to the public in early October.

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