The project is led by Chris Wade, a veteran and found the iPhone to developers creating applications for PSP both devices are referred to, jailbreak, at home. Its design is based on open-source emulator based on QEMU, and its main objective is to chip in Apple iPad Touch iPhone 4 A4, iPod 4G and original, the first generation of media is used.
After the emulator have support for the A4 CPU from Apple, it is important to other things such as support for the emulation of the GPU, multi-touch driver's memory devices, sound and network, such as WLAN, GPS, Bluetooth, etc.
May be the issue that arises in your mind is, what exactly is the point of all this? Well, let me say, if Wade can actually get the financing $ 20 000, and that actually get iOS emulated on Windows, Linux and Android, the greatest benefit for the average person would have the opportunity to work with iOS play applications on platforms other than iOS. Set plays Real Racing 2 on your dual-core Android smartphone!
There are of course other more productive ways it is used, such as safety engineers could have a version of IOS on Windows / Linux emulates find and exploit loopholes in the system could not use their iPhone.
However, expect Don, project in a day or a week to be completed because it will take a few months before things start running smoothly. It's a long way to go before we end up with Instapaper on a Linux desktop.
We wish all the best to Mr. Wade. May the force be with him! You can control and possibly to finance the project kick here.
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