Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Siri Security Protocol Cracked

Siri, while the use of technology already available, has certainly caused a stir among the smartphone industry, with Eric Schmidt of Google says a touch of fear that the new main entrance Android mobile OS rivals.

From the first moment, hackers, developers, and enthusiasts in general Siri on the monitoring of progress and the clock so you can really involved Siri with a little manipulation. So far, it has the iPhone 4 and iPod touch ports, surprisingly, the Port iPhone 3G and several other possible been covered weird and wonderful as the evolution of the mind-to-speech by two technology enthusiasts, young people, that is what

In the latter case, the kids have done today, Siri Applidium protocol, which opens the door to all kinds of ways to unlock. The breakthrough means that Syria by a motor, that is, iPhone and Android users can make even from Syria through third-party applications could be ported.

His method, although it explains in detail, was quite simple.

She began recording simple: "Siri autonomous demo" and then tried to convince the Syrians in their analysis, without having to go through the iPhone 4S.

After checking that one Siri https://guzzoni.apple.com Server contacted, created a fake HTTPS server, and with a fake DNS server tries to register incoming communication. Unfortunately, the Cupertino has done his homework, check whether the certificate was valid Guzzoni, so it was time for Plan B.

Next was organized SSL certification customs authority, added to the iPhone 4S is then used to create a separate certificate from a wrong character "guzzoni.apple.com." This proved to be successful - Siri was happy to cut the wrong commands to HTTPS, which, as mentioned above can be replicated over and over again to send.

It is worth mentioning that it links to a GUID, similar to the UDID (unique device identifier), which is simply an embedded serial number.

With the techno-babble out of the way, is very exciting to see that the first raids possible Siri is used on a broader basis. We all know that Apple aims its closed-source software ideology limit, but hackers hackers, and we have many times when the seal is broken to see the sky is the limit.

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