Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Siri Proxy Plugin Controlling The Room [VIDEO]

Yesterday we published a post discussing not one, not two, but four new plugins for proxy Siri, which allows text messages news about Google Voice (instead of the standard, light a Wake-On-LAN devices, control iTunes and implementation of any custom programs via commands Siri. Today we find a plugin that all new parts the user has control over its space by allowing Siri. Check it out after the jump!

The plugin in question has no name, so I'll just refer to it as universal plug-in control room Siri.

So yes, Universal Room Controller allows plugin Siri, as its name implies, give the control of various parts of your house to voice commands through an iPhone 4S Siri. In the video from the developer (which is included at the end) are written, Siri is sent to close the curtains, turn on the fan, turn off the lights in the room and eventually turn a light specific desktop.
All this is thanks to the developer plamoni to break open the Siri security protocols so developers inject their own code + data can be used to provide greater functionality Siri, unofficial offer to be managed. No user requires iPhone jailbreak 4S as the main material is run in a WiFi-enabled computer proxy Siri, who made a false entry local DNS (Siri official servers) is used. However, you have to go through a complicated 10-step process to enable this functionality.

We've covered a lot of plugins make the use of Siri proxy, which are listed below. Work on other plugins, and of course to new plugins we are with them.

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