Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gmail App Resurrected

The official implementation of Gmail is native to the App Store promises to the problems that plagued the first version had become to solve.

After being in the App Store about two weeks, and for some moments, the first native application Gmail was withdrawn due to the obvious loss. On the one hand, the application displays an error message immediately after opening. Although the message could override push notifications is not working, the application unusable. Many were surprised that Apple application for testing, while some conspiracy theorists believe that Apple realized the mistake, but enough of that.

The new version seems to have solved the problem of message. Although the application is limited and only allowed to open an account at a time, a link can be useful if you are a frequent user of tags and search functions. As an added bonus, chat are also visible through its application to the store, select anyway.

Since I missed the first window, which was quick to download the official application for the second time. For some reason I could find in the App Store on my iPhone. I managed to find directly from iTunes on my Mac and wonderful mechanics icloud has been installed in the rest of my iDevices. Do not worry, you can not the application via the link below!

The update comes with a warning to those with older version of Gmail application:

“If you already have Gmail app 1.0.1 released on 2 Nov, you will need to uninstall or log out of the old app prior to installing the new app.”
If you read your mail once or twice daily by chance or even less frequently, can not the app for you. You will receive the warning message every time he comes a new piece of e-mail in. For those who know that the moment the e-mail arrives have to prove the application is essential.

When testing the application, I noticed new e-mails will not load on my message menu. If the generic SMS alert and can not be heard through an SMS message, chances are your application Gmail. I was confused at first, so be sure to change the text message alert when you want the messages to keep them apart. I do not think this is a bug, but a safety feature.

Ensure that native Gmail application for you, and remember, prevent more accidents with the application of new by removing the old one.

Download Gmail for iOS

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