Friday, September 9, 2011

Magnifier For Mobile Safari On iPhone And iPod touch [Jailbreak Tweak]

Seen for the heavy, the iPod Touch, iPod, iPad, and a degree of accessibility options. However, reading the small text, especially on smaller screen devices, it can sometimes be difficult. Sure, you can pinch to zoom in, but crawl about three times to read a sentence is not exactly comfortable.

And if there is only one way to increase the text size a bit? "As you would in a document creating software, if you could not read properly. While, unfortunately, Apple has not (yet) consider this function, was a developer named Tom us the go-best -. tweak that makes a jailbreak After installing the tweak called Magnifier for safari is all you have to do, press the Share button in Safari and you will be with a new "FontSize Rule" button which in turn opens a cursor will be presented, from which you do just that.

For 99 cents is a bargain, and hopefully put an end to endless scrolling and squinting, that some of you must endure. It works well and smoothly integrates with Safari, as if it were a typical stock. Does not work for the iPad, but greater than one device, the navigation is not nearly as boring as their smaller counterparts.

It will be interesting to see how much of an improvement brings in Apple's Safari with IOS 5th The browser has always been relatively solid, but currently lacks some of the most basic functions that can be found surfing on the many alternative customers. Lupe One-To-safari-like function seems unlikely, but we need a little more time to see what's waiting in Serbia.

It is available as usual from the BigBoss repository and costs $ 0.99, definitely a must see for those with sub-par.

Jailbroken iPhone is required for this tweak.

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